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Embed Block
Seamlessly embed any page from your Rock RMS site.
Inserting the block
Look for the Embed block under the RockPress category in the block selector.

Once inserted into the block editor, you will see a placeholder where you are prompted to enter a URL to the page you would like to embed.

Block settings

Embedded Page URL
Here, you can see the URL that is embedded. You also have the option to open the embedded page in a new tab or window.
Pass query string
This option allows you to pass query string parameters from the parent page down to the embedded page.
CSS Code
With this field, you can inject custom CSS into the embedded page. The Update Preview button allows you to see these changes immediately.
Color settings
This option allows you to set the background color of the embedded page. This is a great way to make sure that the embedded page blends in with the rest of your site.